Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Fuller Center for Housing Bicycle Adventure is where the rubber hits the road for those of us who are committed to building homes for the economically disadvantaged across the globe. I will be riding my bicycle to raise funds to build homes in Bolomba-Likolo in the DRC. My fundraising goal is $3,000.00. I invite you to make a donation toward my goal!

This ride is about changing lives, my life and the lives of families in the DRC. The DRC holds a very special place in my heart. After graduating from college, I was sent to the DRC, then known as Zaire, as a Peace Corps Volunteer.  I was a water and santiation technician in Nyankunde, near the northeastern city of Bunia and close to the Ugandan border. I had a spiritual reawakening while in DRC. I rediscovered the essence of Christianity.  I lived and worked with people who had far less than I did, and yet they always had enough to give to some in need.  The members of the congregation I worshipped at knew that their survival was incumbent upon them working together and sharing all that they had with one another.  They understood community in a way that few Westerns can.  The early church was a community that knew its survival was tied to cooperation of all its members and the sharing of their individual gifts. I saw people on a daily basis living out this model of communal faith. The sense of community I experienced in that congregation of 1,000 weekly worshipers continues to this day to influence my ministry and the type of community I attempt to foster as a pastor.  This ride gives me the opportunity to give back to my congolese family by helping to provide much needed housing for families in Bolomba DRC. Thanks for your generous donation. You will be in my prayers as I pedal down the West Coast of the US.

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