Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July Ride

I went for a 31.96 ride today with some members of the Cumberland Valley Cycling Club.  We started from the Weis Market at Longmeadow at 8:30 AM.  Good thing we started at 8:30 because it warmed up by the time we were closing in on the finish around 11 AM.

I rode on my 30 year old Fuji del Rey.  It turned 30 a few weeks ago.  I purchased this bike 1982 shortly after I graduated from high school.  It's been a solid ride all these years and many of the components are original.  I had to ride this bike today because my carbon Giant Advance Defy 2, which is 10 lbs lighter than the Fuji del Rey and a technological marvel, is at the bike shop being disassembled so I can ship it to Seattle, WA.  My Fuji del Rey was somewhat of tech marvel back in 1982 the steel had a special alloy mixed in and the geometry was designed for longer rides.  My Giant Defy is also designed for longer rides, but at 17.58 lbs and STI shifters it flies over the road compared to my Fuji.

I was very slow today on the ride and struggled up most of the hills.  Some of that has to do with the fact that I, like my Fuji del Rey, am 30 years older than when I purchased it.  Not sure if the bike or me has aged better.  I do know that the seat on my Fuji is not nearly as comfortable as the seat on my Giant.  The good news is folks waited for me and I labored up the hills and sometimes across the flatlands.

One week from today, I'll be in Seattle and 4 days later the ride begins. Thank God it will be on my Giant!

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